
Lumen Academy

Is a training consulting that empowers individuals and organizations across Latin America and the U.S. with innovative training in mindset, communication, and productivity.


Strategic Mindset

This training offers exclusive, valuable insights into complex strategic concepts, focusing on simplifying and visually communicating intricate business principles in a clear, engaging, and easy-to-understand way.


Editorial & Learning Experience Design


With the audience for this training consisting of coordinators and supervisors recently promoted to senior management positions, it was essential to deepen their understanding of strategic management and competitive advantage, while also strengthening synergy with related areas.

With that in mind, the challenge was to translate complex strategic concepts into clear and accessible visuals, while conveying the exclusivity and critical importance of this content for the success of these new managers.


Valuable Content

Deliver essential content designed for career and business success, exclusively designed for high-level managers.

Clean and Actionable

Transform complex business strategy concepts into clear, practical insights, making them easily applicable to a manager’s daily routine.

Setting the Mood


Participants should feel part of a select group, with exclusive content designed to elevate their management skills.


Participants should feel motivated applying strategic concepts to their daily routines, driving impactful results.

Final Design

Now that the feelings and concepts are established, it’s time to develop a solution that bridges the gap between the identified challenges and the final design.

Golden tones helps to express success, exclusivity, and achievement.

Dark teal sapphire transmits trustworthiness, authority, and elegance.

family font
The outward projection symbolizes the ability to go beyond limits by shifting perspectives.
Using angular corners, geometric shapes, and gradients reinforces an image of sophistication and excellence.
Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: it is its starting point.
Henry Mintzberg
The Strategy Compass
It was designed to guide participants through three core elements (the inner triangle: Mission, Vision, and Values), which expand into broader corporate strategy components: Purpose, Big Dream, and Culture.

This tool simplifies the understanding and retention of key strategic concepts, providing a clear and structured framework for aligning personal and organizational goals.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust
The Strategist's Jewel
This tool represents the core competencies every great strategist must develop to sustain a competitive advantage.

These competencies encompass the ability to analyze the current landscape, inspire and lead teams, serve with purpose, and remain focused and committed to objectives and strategic planning.
Light Grey
CMYK 18 15 12 00
Dark Teal Blue
HEX 1D4B63
CMYK 92 66 42 26
HEX B59466
CMYK 29 39 67 03
Dark Grey
HEX 4F4F56
CMYK 67 60 51 32
Teal Blue
HEX 3D6E82
CMYK 80 48 37 10
Light Gold
HEX D2B694
CMYK 18 27 44 00


With the design finalized and key elements refined, it’s time to apply them across all project assets.
Training Presentation
Study Book
Online Post-Training


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